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How To Train Your Dog To Poop In One Area

Writer's picture: Mathew WoolseyMathew Woolsey

Updated: Apr 12, 2024

How To Train Your Dog To Poop In One Area graphic

Training your dog to poop in one designated spot is a crucial part of the house training process. It involves designating an area, taking your dog to just this spot to go potty, and praising it for a job well done.

Not only will your dog be better trained, but it will also make cleaning up the dog poop much easier. Without a designated spot, you might miss some poop when you start scooping, and it's also not very sanitary if your dog does its business all over the place.

This article will teach you how to train your dog to poop in one area, and how to clean the potty spot.

Potty Training Your Dog To Poop In One Spot

Here is a step-by-step guide and some helpful tips on how to teach your dog to poop in the same spot every time.

1. Choosing the right spot

Before the training can begin, you need to decide on a designated area where your dog can go to relieve itself.

When you have a smaller dog or a puppy or you live in an apartment, this might involve indoor potty training using pee pads.

However, for this guide, we're going to assume your dog has access to a yard.

You need to look for a spot that is away from areas where you often walk or spend time. It must also be quite spacious, as tiny areas will quickly become unhygienic and smelly (even with frequent cleaning). Since dogs tend to turn in a circle before pooping, the spot should be wider than your dog's length.

Some dogs choose their own spots. If you notice that your dog is constantly going to the same place to do its business, you should make this the "official" poo area. Just ensure that it makes sense for your yard, and is away from the areas you use often.

2. Going potty on command

The easiest way to potty train a dog is to come up with a potty cue, and teach your dog to go on command. Your cue word can be something like "go potty", "poo poo," or "let's go".

Clip on your dog's leash and take him or her to the pooping spot. Loudly say the cue word, and keep your dog at the spot until it goes potty.

3. Limiting the pooping spot

In the beginning stages of potty training, you shouldn't give your dog free access to the entire yard. Give your dog controlled access, and always lead them out to the potty spot.

This will prevent them from exploring the whole yard and always make them relieve themselves in the correct spot.

This might require patience, but eventually, your dog will understand what you expect of them.

Once your dog has completed its toilet business, you can unclip the lead and let them run free in the rest of the yard.

If your dog didn't poo or pee in the spot, take them back inside and try again later.

4. Reward correct behavior

Initially, you should reward your dog each time it responds to the cue word when you take it outside on the leash.

If your dog eliminates in the right spot without you having to guide it there with a leash, you should also reward it.

The best rewards would be a cuddle, verbal praise, playtime, or a treat.

5. Learn to read body language

It's not just your dog who must be potty trained - you need to do some of your own training, too. You must understand your dog's body language, as they usually display visual signs that they need to relieve themselves.

If your dog is sniffing and spinning in a particular area, they're probably getting ready to go potty.

Interrupt your dog immediately and take them out to the poop area, use the cue word, and reward them if they're successful.

Training Older Dogs To Go In One Area

Most dog owners only have to potty train pups or young dogs. But with senior dog rescues becoming more common, you might have to potty train an older dog to go in one spot.

Older dogs are often less eager to please than young pups, so it is crucial that you remain consistent and watchful of your dog. Take it outside often, and watch its body language for when it is indicating that it wants to go.

Reward good behavior; your senior dog will be able to learn to poo in the proper location in no time.

Cleaning The Poo Area

Animal feces is considered a hazardous material. Although you don't have to call out a biohazard decontamination company to come to pick up the poo, if there is too much poop in a small area, some drastic steps may be needed.

To prevent this from happening, you need to keep the area clean.

During the training phase, it is okay to leave a small pile in the toilet area to show your dog that this is where it must go. But, don't leave any more than that.

Not only will your dog not want to poo in a dirty area, but it is also very unhygienic for the owner.

The easiest way to clean dog poop on grass or sand is to use a scooper and a dog poo bag. You can also hose down the area.

If the dog happens to poop on concrete, pick up the feces and use water and diluted bleach to get rid of bacteria.

How can I clean dog poo off of a carpet?

If your dog had an accident inside, pick up as much of the poop as you can, and then mix water with laundry detergent and soak the stain in the mixture. Lightly scrub the carpet with a soft brush, before rinsing it again and leaving it to dry.

How can I dispose of dog poop?

Once you've placed the dog poop in a bag, it is perfectly acceptable to toss the bag in your general household waste bin. Don't place it in the garden, food, or recycling bin.

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